5 Key Benefits of Bone Grafting

5 Key Benefits of Bone Grafting

Nov 01, 2021

Even with excellent oral hygiene and care, sometimes oral problems may still arise. Thanks to modern dental technology, restoring your oral appearance, function, or health is easy. Among other treatments you can get from your dentist, bone grafting is one of the most common procedures, especially among dental implants patients.

What is Bone Grafting?

Bone grafting is a dental technique used to repair and rebuild the weakened or diseased jawbone. Mostly, bone grafting is necessary when a patient doesn’t have sufficient jawbone mass to support a dental implant, bridge, crown, or dentures. Common factors that can lead to a deficiency of the jawbone include:

  • Missing teeth
  • Gum disease
  • Development defects
  • Dental trauma or facial injuries

When you lose a tooth, either through cavities, gum disease, or dental trauma, it’s crucial to replace it as soon as possible to prevent jawbone deterioration. Dental implants and bridges can provide the necessary stimulus to preserve the jawbone. If the jawbone is damaged, your dentist will likely recommend bone grafting to maintain healthy bone. To speak with a bone grafting practice specialist, contact Donald J. Mclellan, DDS.

Who Needs a Bone Graft?

The only sure way to know whether you need a bone graft is to visit a dentist for an exam. The dentist will take x-rays to study your condition closely. If you’re a good candidate for a bone graft, the dentist or oral surgeon will create a personalized treatment plan and schedule you accordingly.

Make sure you ask any questions you may have about the procedure. Possible questions include:

  • Type of bone graft material to be used
  • The financial costs
  • The healing and recovery after bone grafting
  • How to prepare for the procedure
  • Type of anesthesia or sedation you’ll need

Benefits of Bone Grafts

Bone grafting is very beneficial to your oral and overall well-being. These benefits include:

  • Repair and rebuild weak jawbone – The key benefit of bone grafting is to restore your jawbone structure to its original form. Periodontal disease, dental trauma, and missing teeth are the major causes of jawbone deterioration.
  • Supports your teeth and gums – Good bone structure holds your gums and teeth in position, protecting you from developing dental problems such as gum disease and teeth loss.
  • Maintains your facial structure – Bone grafting repairs your jawbone, thereby maintaining and lifting your facial muscles. This prevents facial sagging, thinning lips, wrinkles, and premature aging. The result is a youthful, healthier, and natural smile. This can greatly boost a patient’s self-confidence and esteem.
  • Supports dental Implants and bridges – Bone grafting also supports dental restorations such as dental implants, crowns, dentures, and bridges. Dentists use bone grafts to regenerate enough bone to anchor the artificial teeth structure. This ensures that these dental appliances serve their intended purpose, without slipping, failing, or falling off.
  • Saves your teeth – Bone grafting may be needed to solve existing dental problems such as trauma, infection, tumors, sinus deficiencies, and severe gum disease. These conditions can lead to bone loss, making your teeth and gums lose. Bone grafts regenerate the surrounding bone, saving your teeth.

Care after Bone Grafting

Following a bone graft surgery, proper dental care and hygiene are critical to facilitate faster healing and prevent complications. Immediately after the surgery:

  • Do not touch or disturb the site with your tongue
  • Avoid spitting, sucking, or rinsing for the next two days
  • Do not smoke to use tobacco products for at least two weeks
  • Avoid alcoholic beverages
  • Eat soft foods such as yogurt, eggs, and soups
  • Avoid extremely hot, spicy, or cold foods or drinks to prevent sensitivity
  • Take medication as directed by your oral surgeon. Medication will relieve pain and prevent infections.
  • Keep your mouth clean. Do not brush or floss the teeth near the surgical site for the next two days. Instead, use warm salt water rinses after 24 hours.
  • Notify your oral surgeon if you experience any complications or persistent side effects.

Final Verdict

Having a healthy jawbone is essential for your oral and overall health. You should consider getting a bone graft if your jawbone is damaged, either from infections, trauma, or periodontal disease.

Bone grafts will restore your jawbone health, ensuring optimum support for your teeth, gums, facial structures, and dental restorations such as dental implants. If you’re interested in a bone grafting procedure, contact Donald J. Mclellan, DDS, to book your appointment today.

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