A Basic Guide To Bone Grafting

A Basic Guide To Bone Grafting

Sep 01, 2021

A missing tooth does more damage than just ruin your smile. If the empty socket is left open for long, it can cause your face to sag, impair your ability to chew and speak correctly, cause the neighboring teeth to shift out of position, and even worse, lead to jawbone loss.

If there’s no tooth, the underlying bone, known as the alveolar bone, lacks stimulation since there is no chewing. Naturally, the jawbone is designed to strengthen and buildup due to the activity of chewing. If no chewing happens, the bone lacks stimulation, leading to jawbone loss.

Other causes of jawbone loss include:

  • Gum disease
  • Certain dental conditions
  • Development defects
  • Facial trauma or injury

If left untreated, the jawbone can collapse, affect the remaining teeth, or distort your facial structure, among other problems. If you don’t have enough jawbone, your dentist is likely to recommend bone grafting.

Bone grafting is a surgical procedure that seeks to repair and rebuild the jawbone by implanting healthy bone tissues on the weak jawbone. Depending on the amount of jawbone loss, the treatment takes about 3 to 6 months.

Bone Grafting Procedure

If you’re wondering what happens in a bone grafting dental office, here is what to expect:

  • The area of operation will be numbed with a local anesthetic.
  • The dentist then cleans out the area to prepare it for the surgical procedure.
  • If you still have your tooth, the dentist will begin by extracting it.
  • If the dentist uses your own tissue for the procedure, they will begin by sourcing the bone from the chosen location.
  • The dentist then makes an incision through the gum tissues to expose the bone.
  • The bone graft material is attached to the exposed bone, and the area is stitched.
  • Once the anesthetic wears off, you’ll be ready to go home. However, it’s best if you have someone to drive you home.
  • The treatment takes about 4-6 months. Once you’ve healed, you’ll be ready for implant surgery.

Types of Bone Graft Materials

There are five types of bone grafting material, namely:

  • Autografts – This type of bone tissue is derived from another part of the patient’s body. Common sources include shin, hip, or chin.
  • Alloplasts – These grafts are made from hydroxyapatite, a naturally occurring mineral in the bone.
  • Allografts – The graft tissue comes from a human donor, mainly the cadaver bone. The bone graft has to be treated to prevent passing any diseases or immune reactions.
  • Xenografts – These graft materials are obtained from animal bones, such as cows.
  • Ceramic-based Grafts – The graft material is obtained from ceramics or a combination of ceramic and other materials like calcium or bioactive glass.

 Is Bone Grafting Necessary?

Having a healthy and enough jawbone is highly essential. In dentistry, bone grafting is necessary to accomplish the following goals.

  • 1. To Save a Tooth

If you’re suffering from severe periodontal disease, your jawbone is affected, and your teeth can become loose or even fall out. To save the teeth, the dentist may have to repair the repair and regenerate the surrounding bone. This increases bone support and helps to keep the teeth in their rightful position.

  • 2. To Prevent Facial Sagging and Teeth Falling

If periodontal disease or other dental conditions has caused your jawbone to thin or weaken, the dentist may recommend repairing it. If not repaired, the jawbone can collapse, cause teeth falling, and cause facing sagging. To avoid secondary problems, it’s best to repair the jawbone as soon as possible.

  • 3. Dental Implants

Jawbone loss is a major reason why most dental patients don’t qualify for implant surgery. During dental implant surgery, the implant is surgically attached to the jawbone of the missing tooth. If the patient doesn’t have enough jawbone to support the implant, it can fall out. Dental implants require enough bone volume and density to work and function properly.

Is Bone Grafting Painful?

No. Bone grafting isn’t painful. During the procedure, you’ll be sedated to prevent pain and keep you relaxed. However, it’s possible to feel minor pain or discomfort after the procedure. Your dentist may prescribe medication for the same.

Schedule an Appointment Today

Are you looking for bone grafting services, or do you need further information about bone grafting? Contact Westwood Dental Group today to book your appointment.

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