Tooth Extractions: Everything You Need to Know

Tooth Extractions: Everything You Need to Know

Jul 01, 2021

Dentistry is founded on the principles of preserving dental function. That’s why dentists take time to perform extensive, restorative treatments even in the face of severe dental damage. In some circumstances, however, the best course of action may be to extract a troublesome tooth.

Tooth extraction is usually recommended as a last resort and only if it’s in the patient’s best interest.

Westwood Dental Group is a leading dental practice that offers dental extractions services to patients of all ages. If you have a problematic tooth causing you sleepless nights, please contact Westwood Dental Group to find out if tooth removal is suitable.

Reasons for Dental Extraction

Your dentist may recommend a dental extractions procedure if you meet any of the criteria below:

  • You have severe tooth decay, and your teeth cannot be repaired via available restorative treatments.
  • You have loose teeth, usually resulting from periodontal disease.
  • You need to undergo orthodontic treatment for crowded teeth.
  • You have an impacted tooth or impacted wisdom teeth that pose a considerable risk for future dental problems.
  • You’re about to undergo an organ transplant or chemotherapy and have a tooth that poses a risk for infection.
  • You’ve experienced sudden traumatic damage and require emergency dental extraction to alleviate pain and suffering.

If you or a loved one can identify or relate with any of these scenarios, then it’s in your best interest to undergo tooth extraction.

Simple or Non-Surgical Extraction

Simple or non-surgical extractions are simple, straightforward procedures. Simple extractions are primarily performed on visible and easily accessible teeth. To perform a simple extraction, the dentist administers local anesthesia to numb the tooth and gums. Next, the dentist loosens the tooth using a dental elevator. Then, with the help of a pair of forceps, the dentist grabs the tooth and gently pulls it out of its socket. Finally, the dentist places a gauze pad at the extraction site to prevent excessive bleeding.

Surgical Extractions

Surgical extractions are reserved for teeth that are harder to access, e.g., teeth below the gumline or impacted teeth. Wisdom teeth extractions are undoubtedly the most common form of surgical extractions.

To perform a surgical extraction, the dentist administers anesthesia and then makes an incision in your gum tissues to access the trapped tooth. In some cases, the dentist may have to trim off some bone to access the tooth.

After reaching the tooth, the dentist follows the same approach of loosening it from its socket and eventually pulling it out. In some cases, the dentist may have to divide the tooth into multiple sections so they can pull it out with greater ease.

Simple and surgical extractions can be performed under sedation if the patient requires it. Sedation helps patients with dental anxiety relax during dental procedures.

Dental Extractions Aftercare Guidelines

Taking adequate care of your mouth after dental extractions procedure facilitates the healing and recovery process. Whether you’ve undergone a routine extraction or an emergency dental extraction, here are some things you should know:

  • Use a gauze pad to control bleeding and an icepack to manage any post-treatment swelling.
  • Take any prescribed medications as instructed.
  • Get sufficient rest after your tooth extraction appointment. Avoid strenuous activity as this can exacerbate bleeding and keep your head elevated when sleeping.
  • Don’t use drinking straws as they can dislodge the blood clot from the extraction site and trigger bleeding.
  • When brushing your teeth, avoid the extraction site.
  • Twelve hours after the extraction, gently rinse your mouth using warm salt water.
  • Eat soft, healthy foods and stay hydrated.

What Next After Tooth Removal?

Remember, extraction isn’t always the end of the journey. If you extract decayed, damaged, or loose teeth, you likely require teeth replacement to restore dental function. Unfortunately, missing teeth can cause long-term repercussions, including bone loss, bite problems, and reduced self-confidence.

Remember to discuss your teeth replacement options, if necessary, with your dentist.

Schedule an Appointment

Are you experiencing constant toothaches? If a tooth cannot be treated via other means, it may be time for dental extraction. The dentist may also recommend tooth removal if you’re about to undergo orthodontic treatment or have loose teeth.

To experience outstanding dental extractions services, please call Westwood Dental Group and book your dental visit.

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